Origami, Makeup, Shapes and my Hand! | Pages 11, 21, 38 and 126 | The Pointless Book
00:51But I have to say that this one was a lot of fun.
So this time when I filmed my Pointless Book video I did it a little differently. And I think the new way that I do it is a lot more efficient. It also helps that I have a tripod now and a lot more free time on my hands.
If you want to see the video you can check it out below, and as always there are more detailed photos shown here in the blog post.
The first thing I wanted to tackle was the origami on page 11. I knew from the second I saw it that I was going to mess up. We get two pages for this, one with the square of paper that we need to cut out to make the swan and one with the instructions on it. Seems simple right?

Not exactly. This is what mine turned out like…

It really could have been better. I kind of got lost somewhere in the middle of the instructions. To me, they aren’t that clear. I feel like I need to have written instructions as well. Although let’s be real, I’d have probably been better off with a YouTube tutorial…
On the bright side I seemed to do better on the next page. Which was to draw makeup on the person. This was something I thought I would be good at, considering I have been doing my own makeup since about the age of 13 I think I know a thing or two about it.

So, what do you think? I think it was pretty good. I don’t know if the lighting in the photo shows it off the best but I did what I could. Also if I had better pens or something like chalk I probably would have contoured and all of that haha but I didn’t so I just had to leave the person looking pretty pale, but I still think it looks good anyway.

The next page that I decided to do was the one where you had to draw shapes without taking your pen off the page. This one was…okay. I mean there wasn’t really much of a challenge to it, at first I thought that there would be but you just have to think about it for a second before you draw it. Nothing too terrible.

The final page I did in the video was to draw around my own hand. Nothing special about it haha. I could have been really artistic with it and added more details rather than just doing the outline of my hand but I am not the best artist in the world so decided to give that a miss.
That was it for this Pointless Book blog post. Now that it’s summer I can do a lot more of these videos/blog posts and hopefully I can finish the Pointless Book before the end of summer. I also have to start on the Pointless Book 2 so look out for that.
In the meantime, if you guys want to check out my previous Pointless Book videos the playlist is here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS-A2-2r_dIQex17WjQJbqXUXVh1k2ugm
I’d appreciate it a lot if you spent the time to check them out. But other than that I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you soon with a new blog post.

~ Courtney x