My Strange Friends and Picking Photos! | Pages 188, 25, 6 & 154 | The Pointless Book


This is my first Pointless Book blog post for this blog!
If you want to see my previous Pointless Book blog posts click here.
So with this Pointless Book video I took my book into school and asked my friends to fill in some things and it got a little weird...
The first page I asked them to fill in was the one where you ask a friend to describe you in 3 words. I didn't ask just one of my friends, I asked three so I have three phrases below which are supposed to describe me:

The first one was written by my friend Georgie and she says I am "dedicated to FSOG" for those who don't know FSOG is the abbreviation of Fifty Shades of Grey and if you follow me on Twitter you can see this is a pretty accurate statement haha.
The second one is written by my friend Megan and she says I am a "vlogging-obsessed fangirl" which is very true. I started my YouTube channel almost a year ago and I have become obsessed with vlogging...and I have been a fangirl for about 8 years now...
And finally the last one was written by my friend Ashleigh and she says that I am a "lover of Ashizzle" which basically means I love Ashleigh. Again true, we are really good friends and I love her a lot.
So all in all it is safe to say my friends know me pretty well. Then again I feel like if you just went on my Twitter you'd know these things about me. Apart from my love for Ashleigh you might have been unclear about that until now lol.
The next page that I asked my friends to fill in is the one where you ask a friend to write a message and swap pages with them. Now because none of my friends have a Pointless Book I decided just to let them write a message in my book and I would share it with you all and I have three messages as shown below:

The first and last messages were written by my friend Ashleigh. As you can see she is very open with her feelings for me haha.
The middle one is written by my friend Victoria who had some requests to make. This was done a while ago before Christmas and so this is why she is calling me Santa lol.
And that is what my friends got up to with my Pointless Book. I basically just handed them the book and asked them to write something it's amazing it was as calm as that I can imagine it could have been much worse haha.
The next two pages I did were to stick in photos and this was an easy task. These are the two pages:


The first one is a photo of me and my friends from 3rd year which was like four years ago...I have to say we look a little bit different now haha but mostly the same. It's the first photo we have of all six of us together so it's a very significant time. Especially since these were my first secondary school friends, I'm still friends with all of them even if some of them don't go to the same school anymore but we've had lots of fun over the years. That's why I decided to add this photo to my book.

The next photo is a really old photo of me from when I was younger haha. I don't remember anything about this photo, I just know it's me and my sister found it a while back and posted it on Facebook and I thought I would share it with you guys. At least it's not too embarrassing.

And this concludes my first Pointless Book blog post for this blog! Woo!
Like always I did make a YouTube video of me talking about these pages so if you would like to see that you can click below - I say the same things in my blog posts as I do in my videos but I feel like if I do both then the event is documented very efficiently. There's no need for both but I feel like I should have them both haha.
~ Courtney x

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